The Latest From The Furthering Christendom Blog
Pope Francis and Civil Unions
Well, as you have probably already heard, Pope Francis was interviewed for a new documentary and he seemingly endorsed same sex inclusive civil unions (SSICU). As you might imagine, this has put social media into a frenzy. Progressives are claiming victory while...
Christian Philosophy and Selling Out to the Left: A Response to Rea
Christian Philosophy and Selling Out to the Left: A Response to Rea by Tyler Dalton McNabb Mike Rea is at it again. Four years since the dust settled from Swin-Gate, Rea is rehashing his attack on values shared by those belonging to the great Abrahamic faiths. Rea...
In Defense of Philosophy of Religion: Tyler McNabb
by Tyler Dalton McNabb The following post was originally featured in an interview that I did with Helen De Cruz over at Prosblogion (RIP Prosblogion). De Cruz asked me what my thoughts were on the claim made by some (e.g. Draper and Nichols), that philosophers of...
In Defense of Philosophy of Religion: Chad McIntosh
by Dr. Chad McIntosh When I was around 7 or 8 years old, I remember thinking that if God is real, He wouldn’t let good people suffer. I also recall, around the same time, huddling up next to the heat vent in my room, thinking that if God is real and I don’t believe in...
New Book Alert: Debating Christian Religious Epistemology
This volume released right before the COVID Pandemic hit the States. In this volume, Tyler defends the thesis of Reformed epistemology by way of arguing for a proper functionalist theory of warrant. Other contributors include John...
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